Solid construction and effective in design, the Force USA® Close Grip Triangle Row is made for everyday gym use and designed to fit on any cable exercise equipment. The Force USA® Close Grip Triangle Row is built to take a pounding and helps you expand your range of exercises.


Take it to the next level

The Force USA® Close Grip Triangle Row gives you access to some of the best, most effective cable exercises. Take your cable attachment to the gym or use them at home to mix up your exercises and take your training to the next level! The Force USA® Close Grip Triangle Row is solid and will provide a wide range of exercises to build a rock-solid body!


  • Usage: Domestic


  • Solid Contoured Chrome Handles with Knurling
  • Huge Range of Exercises
  • One Piece Solid Construction Handle
  • One of the Most Popular Cable Attachments in Gyms
  • Inside handle length: 17cm


  • Bent Over Rows
  • Reverse Rows
  • Seated/Low Row
  • 45 Degree Lat Pulldown
  • Close Grip Lat Pulldown
  • Plus Many More Exercises
Weight 1.8 kg
Force USA Close Grip Triangle

